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of Hungary

Honorary Consul

Chris Domeny is the Honorary Consul of Hungary to North Carolina and South Carolina in the United States since 2014. He represents Hungarian interests in the assigned jurisdiction and works to foster bi-lateral relations in the commercial, economic, cultural, scientific, and social spheres. Chris supports efforts to increase foreign direct investment on both sides by facilitating conversations between US and Hungarian businesses, startups, investors, incubators, policy makers, and entrepreneurs.

Chris is a member of the North Carolina Consular Corps and an affiliate member of the South Carolina Consular Corps. He is currently a member of the NC Coalition for Global Competitiveness and previously served as a chancellor at the U.S. Consular Corps College and as an appointed member on the Charlotte International Cabinet.

Professionally, Chris is part of the Global Risk Analytics team at Bank of America. Previous areas within the bank include the Chief Data Scientist Organization, Global Risk Technology, eCommerce Operations, Technology Innovation Partnership, Enterprise Technology Adoption & Associate Enablement, and Infrastructure Engineering. Before joining Bank of America, Chris held positions at the State of Bavaria Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology in New York and at the Eltec Group in Hungary and in Germany.
Chris received his Bachelor of Science degree with focus on International Business from the Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina and his Master in Business Administration degree from the Simon School of Business at the University of Rochester. He attended Corvinus University and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Hungary, as well as the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in Holland during his academic studies in Europe.

As a strong believer in collaboration, democratization, and knowledge exchange, Chris likes to bring people and ideas together to further business, economic, and social development at any scale.


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Honorary Consul Chris Domeny
Chris Domeny is Honorary Consul in Charlotte

Chris Domeny is the Honorary Consul in Charlotte