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of Hungary


ReConnect Hungary 2015 Summer Program
Posted on: January 16, 2015

ReConnect Hungary Now Accepting Applications for 2015 Summer Program

Join other young Americans and Canadians this summer for a fun-filled and eye-opening experience of Hungarian culture, traditions and history while exploring the country. This unique two-week-long cultural immersion program takes place June 29 – July 16.

Begin the application process

Don’t delay: the application deadline is January 30!

To get a taste of how this incredible journey can enrich your life, watch this short video, or meet the lucky participants from previous programs and read about their impressions.

Sponsors, supporters and partners make the journey possible for you, so check them out and spread the word about supporting ReConnect Hungary 2015!

You can also sign up for alerts, check out some photos in our Galleries, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates!

For further information, please write to us at or call us toll-free at 1-844-4MAGYAR.


This is a sponsored message from ReConnect Hungary. Full information is available on their website

Honorary Consul Gyorgy Simon
Gyorgy Simon is Honorary Consul in Salt Lake City

Gyorgy Simon is the Honorary Consul in Salt Lake City